Boost your immune system with healthy tea!

Boost your immune system with healthy tea!

Worldwide, tea is a popular drink. This, in itself, is good news as drinking tea is very healthy. Various tea varieties will support your health in a positive way. Want to know more? In this blog we’ll tell you how to boost your immune system with healthy tea!


Green tea

Green tea strengthens your resistance. In addition, it has an antibacterial and detoxing effect, can reduce nausea, pain and stress and can help the metabolism. Another quality attributed to green tea is that it could support the process of losing weight and that it encourages a good night's rest. You can achieve the optimum effect by drinking three to four cups of green tea each day.


Ginger tea

Ginger is a multi-faceted spice that can be added to tea. You may or may not enjoy its specific taste but the fact remains that ginger is very healthy. It strengthens your immune system and in this protects you against infections, colds and the flu. It also improves the blood circulation in your body. One of the advantages here is that muscles, for example, recover more quickly after some intensive effort. And, ginger speeds up your digestion and helps burn fat.


Lemon tea

Not a herb this time but a fruit with a good effect on your resistance as it contains lots of vitamin C which is good for your immune system. Very tasty if you add a little spoonful of honey.


Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is known for its calming qualities and can help you relax. For this reason the tea is often used as a means of support if you suffer from insomnia. In addition, you can drink the tea to prevent stomach and bowel cramps and other aches and pains.


Echinacea purpurea tea

This herb, also named purple coneflower, can be recognised by the little purple flower you may have noticed on the packaging of vitamin pills. All good substances in this herb ensure an increased resistance, a strengthened immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. In other words, a healthy flower perfectly suitable to add to tea!


Elderberry tea

Elderberry is full of healthy vitamins and contains a high dose of vitamin C. This vitamin alone has a positive effect on your resistance but this little berry also contains plenty of other healthy substances that increase your resistance and strongly resist viruses.


Want to know more about tea? Take a look at our other blogs!